
The IMFC has planted house churches and we are making disciples who produce disciples throughout the UN refugee camps scattered across Uganda, but often there are small pockets of refugees that are somewhat outside the official UN system living in a commune like setting. They are made up of mostly widows and children who were sent to Uganda by their fathers when the civil wars began, sadly those fathers are no longer in the picture for some reason - probably a casualty of the wars - no one knows. Some of the women and children have registered with the UN but others have not. We strongly encourage all of them to do so. Without official registration and recognition there will be no services for them, and they will be illegally in Uganda. Even with registration the services and help they receive is meager at best and must do whatever they can to survive. The IMFC has a special Manna program assisting many of these forgotten refugees in special and unique ways, so that when we leave they can provide for themselves. Although the stories all sound the same, every situation is unique.