Disciple Making
The IMFC is nothing if it is not making disciples who reproduce more disciples. We strive to be the answer to Jesus’ prayer in Matthew 9 when He prayed, “Send out the workers.” We call the method of disciple making - Four Stages, but you might recognize it better as a classical discipleship making model. It is the method Jesus and the early church used when they grew exponentially. We incorporate a discipleship curriculum into the discipleship process, called - Bible Way. It was gifted to the believers in Uganda by by the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention years ago. It was written by and IMB missionary to East Africa named Tom Small. He is no longer living, but his wife is, and she is excited that 250,000 people are still using their materials to follow and grow in Christ. Bible Way consists of 12 books with each book contains a test that the one being discipled completes and returns to their key leader who grades it. If they receive a passing grade then they are promoted to book two and so on. Certificates of completion are given, and it is through this correspondence system that we know who is being discipled, where they live, and if they are discipling others. It is a good system that enables us to track the work.