1. To increase the Kingdom of God

  2. To provide encouragement and assistance to IMFC field staff and field volunteers. For the men and women in the field your being there is most refreshing, and it provides a sense of a worldwide unified purpose under Christ. It offers legitimacy to people who have been forgotten and discarded by the world at large. Your presence is felt a long time after you have returned home.

  3. Upon returning to your home, you are now the voice of the poor and displaced peoples of Africa.

  4. By connecting you to the purpose that God has called His followers of Christ and by giving you a crash course in Disciple Making, you can begin utilizing what you have learned to reach and change the community and those around you within your sphere of influence.

  5. To find new prayer and financial partners and mobilizers for the vision and ministry of IMFC.

Your pastor and church may have other objectives as well, such as:

  • Expand your local church’s world vision and reach.

  • Train your team in real world and proven successful discipleship methods.

  • Stretch your team’s comfort zones.

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